Max Ernst.  The Blessed Virgin Chastises the Infant Jesus 1926                            Max Ernst.  Sea and Sun, 1925


 Max Ernst.  The Blessed Virgin Chastises the Infant Jesus Before Three Witnesses: A.B., P.E. and the Artist, 1926 Museum Ludwig, Köln. The Metropolitan Museum of Art


                      Max Ernst.  Sea and Sun, 1925

                       National Galleries of Scotland




Max Ernst. Surrealism and Painting, 1942


Max Ernst. Surrealism and Painting, 1942 Oil on canvas; 77 x 92 in. (195.6 x 233.7 cm)
The Menil Collection, Houston
The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Max Ernst. The Antipope, 1941


 Max Ernst. The Antipope, December 1941–March 1942. Oil on canvas, 160.8 x 127.1 cm.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection



Max Ernst. The Garden of France, 1962


Max Ernst. The Garden of France, 1962
Oil on canvas; 44 7/8 x 66 1/8 in. (114 x 168 cm)
Centre Georges Pompidou, Musee National d'Art Moderne, Paris




 Max Ernst. Vox Angelica, 1943 Oil on canvas; 60 x 80 in. (152.4 x 203 cm)
Private collection


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